Rotate bitmap android not working. compress() does not rotate anything.

Rotate bitmap android not working it gives me all the time TAG_ORIENTATION = 1, not working in all images – NizarETH. Just use thread, handler and canvas. I need to rotate the image because the camera returns a wrong rotated image and I need to scale it to reduce Using the EXIF information is not reliable on some android devices. Aug 4, 2014 · I have a bitmap I'm trying to rotate 270deg then flip horizontally. I have decode the image using the below code . I want to rotate that image an Jan 17, 2013 · I have a custom View that always draws a Bitmap at a certain rotation. I commented out the options. Aug 7, 2014 · I'm doing an app which takes a photo with the camera and then rotates it and scales it. In this case, the camera software should populate the Exif data with the orientation that the photo should be viewed in. getWidth (), bitmap. postTranslate (bitmap. But for the scale factor it does not work, because if I first scale an image down to 50% and then rescale it up to 150% then I scaled it with a factor of 3 but the original scaling factor is only 1. In one of my apps, I also faced this issue. This is extremely useful if you are loading an image from the content resolver thingy (e. Sep 1, 2014 · This is working but it raises one additional issue that I just want to confirm. rotate(amount); Jan 25, 2021 · A second bitmap is created using the static createBitmap method, passing in the original source bitmap along with our Matrix. Bitmap. In my app the camera is storing the picture improperly so that even if a picture is taken in the "portrait" orientation is still loads it in "landscape" orientation. getWidth(), b. I can do the rotation using this code: Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix. drawBitmap(bitmap, matrix, null); canvas is initialized with the bitmap so you draw the bitmap on itself (with some changes). Android: rotate image without loading it to memory. 08. loadFrom does not take in account the orientation information in the source file. Rotate bitmap - Android. 5). Since we want to rotate the entire bitmap, the 2nd and 3rd parameters can be set as 0, and the 4th and 5th parameters should be the source image width and height. public RotatedImageView(Cont Aug 4, 2014 · I have a bitmap I'm trying to rotate 270deg then flip horizontally. Now I am missing rotate functionality in glide. I am able to rotate my image and set it to image view. rotation += 10; matrix. Nov 13, 2017 · UPD 29. The problem is, these flags are not working! Here is my code: Rect Oct 8, 2024 · I'm facing an issue with image rotation in my Android app while using the ImageAnalysis class from the CameraX library. Step-by-Step Guide to Rotate a Bitmap in Android. rotate(rotat Oct 2, 2012 · The problem is the last line: canvas. Usage. postRotate(rotateDegree); Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap. Anyway you should create a rotatio method in your custom view with a degree parameter and then from such method you launch an asynctask which do something like this: 1- rotates the bitmap of 1 or more degrees 2- set the bitmap as imageview resource 3- invalidate the view. Commented Sep 3, 2019 at 20:51. An example to understand the definition would be to assume the target rotation matches the device's orientation. createBitmap(sourceBitmap, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true); See this tutorial for a useful source code example: Read Exif information in a JPEG file. So the methods needed to rotate a bitmap without appeared resizing: Jan 24, 2012 · Another simple way to rotate an ImageView: UPDATE: Required imports: import android. public Bitmap resizeAndRotate(Bitmap image, int width, int height) { Bitmap newImage= Bitmap. public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromFile(String path, int reqWidth, int reqHeight) { path = new File(path). They are rotated using the Matrix class. save before and canvas. rotateImage2() is working, but its badly affecting the quality, so can't use that. You can load a bitmap from resources or create Jan 25, 2021 · Since we want to rotate the entire bitmap, the 2nd and 3rd parameters can be set as 0, and the 4th and 5th parameters should be the source image width and height. Then when the button is pressed, check if it's null Feb 9, 2016 · Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); //myBitmap is the bitmap which is to be rotated matrix. Feb 9, 2015 · but when I click on the rotate button, not only the image rotates, but it is scaled too, because the bitmap is larger then the ImageView. (You would want to do this once when initializing the class, not on every draw cycle. BufferedOutputStream import java. 0. When i click a rotate button the image should rotate in an angle and display in Image View and when i click crop button the Feb 27, 2014 · I have a project that needs to rotate a bitmap, the bitmap is in GRAYSCALE/Black and White mode. Usage Typically, rotating an image would be used in more than one place within the application, so I would suggest putting the image-rotation logic into its own utility class. With the code below, all three actions kind of work, but they influence each other. Apr 16, 2020 · The way it works is by putting the bytes of the original bitmap into JNI, and then prepare a new, rotated bitmap, and later exports it to a Java instance of a Bitmap. Something like: May 4, 2012 · I'm trying to show a picture, which can be zoomed and panned, and that rotates with a compass reading. Apr 27, 2017 · I have chosen camera or gallery to take the image for upload. But BitmapFactory. getAbsolutePath(); // First decode with inJustDecodeBounds=true to check dimensions final BitmapFactory. drawBitmap(imageBuffer, offset, stride, 0, 0, width, height, false, mPaint); since imageBuffer is an array, not bitmap, how to I rotate while Jan 24, 2017 · In Android I have noticed that when I take a picture with the camera and map it to an ImageView, on some cameras (such as my physical phone), it's rotated 90 degrees (whereas on the emulator phones I'm using a RotateAnimation to rotate an image that I'm using as a custom cyclical spinner in Android. So I need to re-rotate it. so it gets saved in landscape mode and then i apply an overlay onto it that too is in landscape mode. setImageBitmap(b); but this is noticeably slower, and has some lag. Defined the scale type : ImageView. Note: Create a String type variable with name of photoPath and store the photo url in it. Options options = new BitmapFactory. createBitmap(bMap, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight, matrix, true); Oct 1, 2016 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Jan 3, 2012 · Thanks, this all didn't work for me if i wanted to rotate a bitmap at position – larsaars. Oct 13, 2024 · Android Studio; Bitmap handling in Android; Horizontal Translation and Bitmap Rotation using Canvas. But as the ShareDialog appears with the Image, it´s upside down. Previously, was able to do with Picasso (due to an issue, I moved to glide). ): Bitmap = mBitmap = BitmapFactory. Mar 25, 2015 · I am an absolute newbie to android. This step is to crop the bitmap and show the cropped result to the user efficiently. Just make a global variable and store the changed bitmap in there. This isn't the same as touching, waiting, and then doing a rotation animation. drawBitmap(bitmap, matrix, null); As an optimization, create the Matrix once outside this method and replace the creation with a call to matrix. Jan 26, 2012 · @ShishirGupta Not tested but by android docs: If the source bitmap is immutable and the requested subset is the same as the source bitmap itself, then the source bitmap is returned and no new bitmap is created. acquireNextImage(); // Oct 27, 2012 · I'm working with the matrix and canvases for the first time and haven't been able to find a tutorial on this. drawBitmap(selectionPoint, x, y, null); canvas. To apply horizontal translation and bitmap rotation using the Canvas class, we will create a custom BitmapDrawable and override the onDraw() method. Bitmap 2 must rotate about the same angle as bitmap 1. compress() does not rotate anything. Oct 15, 2021 · I am trying to rotate really large bitmaps inside android like 3000x5000 px with. getWidth(), myBitmap. Jun 7, 2011 · I have a rectangle-shaped Bitmap, which I need to rotate it by 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise. So what wrong I'm doing. During such process, the selected image is not retained as you can read here Jun 12, 2015 · Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); //Calculate the rotation of the bitmap. I want to rotate my picture's Bitmap according to the orientation it was taken in - but it doesn't work an always show the picture at the same orientation. Android rotate bitmap 90 degrees results in squashed image. – blackapps Dec 10, 2011 · For the rotation factor (degrees) it is simple, because I store it within an extra variable which is icremented/decremented while rotating. How to fix the problem? (note: not only taken picture , but also the picture from gallery have the same rotation May 28, 2017 · This is a full solution (found in the Hackbook example from the Facebook SDK). I tried some Euclidean rotation transformations but I had no luck. This seems like a fairly simple scaling down of an image, from Google documentation, and I'm not sure how I'm getting a @laalto yes i know i apologize for that. io. Just create another Canvas canvas2 and change the last line to canvas2. I solved the problem by reading the network stream and put all the bytes in a ByteArrayOutputSteam. createBitmap(Bitmap source, int x, int y, int width, int height, Matrix m, boolean filter) Where the m defines a matrix that will transpose your original bitmap. For rotate the bitmap i did this: Feb 9, 2012 · I am working on a game in Android and I have Bitmap objects being drawn. For an example on how to do this look at this question: Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point Jun 13, 2019 · a bit off topic but you should not rotate the bitmap but the canvas you are drawing on. Rotate Bitmap on Android Canvas. Apr 27, 2015 · This is old but let me answer, if you apply this approach you are rotating canvas not picture, so canvas. May be there is something in the glide library Dec 28, 2012 · Most phone cameras are landscape, meaning if you take the photo in portrait, the resulting photos will be rotated 90 degrees. I'm finding in onPictureTaken that the bitmap saved is mirrored about the y-axis and rotated 90 degrees clockwise even though the camera preview was not. I have a bitmap that I fetch from an URL. canvas!!. This works fine on a HTC phone, but does not work on Samsung Google Nexus S Jan 2, 2013 · I have tried different codes rotateImage, 1, 2, 3 etc. BitmapFactory . Bitmap import android. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to perform this action, along with the necessary code. createBitmap (bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap. import android. rotate(amount); Sep 13, 2013 · I am new to Android and currently working one project. Is their any way to do this? I save the image like this: m Oct 1, 2010 · I did it taking advice of mCamera. Android image rotation. Options(); options Jun 14, 2019 · My bitmap is rotated but is overlaped with original image. The reason why your image disappears when screen rotates is that the activity is destroyed and recreated. 6. Nov 11, 2016 · As you can see in the attached picture. I doesn't have any problem with first bitmap rotation. Feb 10, 2011 · I haven't worked on the android, and It's been a while since I last worked with matrices, but it sounds like you're rotation is working properly and you just forgot to translate so the point to rotate around is at 0,0. Nov 1, 2012 · I am drawing on canvas using an array as the pixels: g. ORIENTATION_NORMAL which means the rotation of image is normal and it does not need any more rotation. I want to rotate a bitmap and i have some other images as well on UI. Context import android. I want to show it in the middle of an image view that is at the top of my screen. restore after drawing bitmap will restore your canvas to old position, you can apply it on a single bitmap, by storing the list of bitmaps and apply rotate only when you found that index of bitmap with the help of loop which you want to draw. Bitmap source public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) { final Image image = reader. . Dec 23, 2011 · So I want to change the bitmap data itself. Background: I've decided that since bitmaps take a lot of memory which can cause out-of-memory errors easily, I will put the hard, memory consuming work on C/C++ code . The xml code of image <ImageView Sep 14, 2016 · I've seen how to do it from a bitmap on my phone, it takes the filename but nothing with an actual bitmap. May 23, 2013 · According to the documentation, setRotation(90) should rotate the captured JPEG picture (takePicture in landscape mode. But no code is working. Here is my class which I use for ImageRotation, import android. Usage Oct 5, 2012 · It doesn't look like it's rotating point is unchanged. And this is the correct implementation with RenderScript: Android: rotate image without loading it to memory. e. b = Bitmap. I have also applied this using matrix but at that time is not working as good i am finding rotating by canvas. The images captured in portrait mode are not being rotated correctly on a specific device (Huawei Nova 12 SE. You will have to declare your Bitmap avatarScaled as a global variable in order to access it in the onConfigurationChanged() method below: Oct 13, 2015 · The Matrix class in Android uses a 3×3 matrix to achieve all of the 2D transformations. createBitmap(Bitmap source, int x, int y, int width, int height, Matrix m, boolean filter) where Matrix m holds the new rotation: Bitmap adjustedBitmap = Bitmap. Create a Bitmap Object: First, you need a bitmap object that you want to rotate. decodeResource(getResources(), R. I am using this to resize it, but unsure on the rotate part. I don't have Samsung s8 (for example) and can't understand why this Feb 17, 2019 · U can detect touch gesture and applied them to the bitmap through matrix. if your app is responding to a share-photo intent). save(); canvas. (ExifInterface orientation return always 0) This is working for me: Rotate bitmap. Matrix; import android. I also tried that for my animated background. Rotating images on android. content. setImageBitmap(bitmap2); where bitmap2 is the bitmap used to create canvas2. The steps I use for rotat Jul 10, 2012 · Not quite, I'm using MotionEvent. I also want a border around the image. getHeight(), mat, true); ivImage. Here's the step-by-step process: Step 1: Create a new class called RotatedBitmapDrawable Jan 25, 2021 · Since we want to rotate the entire bitmap, the 2nd and 3rd parameters can be set as 0, and the 4th and 5th parameters should be the source image width and height. ) It works fine on other devices I tested (Pixel 7, Samsung Galaxy A55. I have rectangle image and to overlap small circle bitmap, in the right-bottom corner of the rectangle image. postRotate (270); matrix. Currently I am able to rotate the image using: Matrix. Here is w canvas. Mar 2, 2017 · Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); //set image rotation value to 90 degrees in matrix. My first attempted looked like this. matrix. setRotate(90, originalBitmap. createBitmap(b, 0, 0, b. I can copy an UN-ROTATED image to a destina Dec 22, 2011 · there may be a different library for bitmap manipulation for Android; use opengl quad's, they do a good job at rotations; use image magick to create sprites of pre-rotated images; If you are not using OpenGL, then most games load sprite sheets with rotation already done (see other image). Oct 17, 2012 · Suppose that I can now rotate the bitmap separately from all objects,i. Here's my rotate_indefinitely. scale() method for rotating the view background. These calls are not performed line by line. I found it not working from a network input stream and i wonder what one has to do if code works for an inputstream to make it not work from a network inputstream. I have been able to achieve good results with rotating a Bitmap only or skewing a Bitmap. The results are obviously jagged, so I enabled filtering and aliasing. If you want to continue rotating or modifying the changed image, you'll have to reference it; not the original. Due to project limitations, resizing it is not an Nov 9, 2013 · I have an image view in which i would like to show a picture from a URI in the phone. widget. I am rotating canvas just before drawing the bitmap which i need to be rotating. The problem I am having is being able to access the pixels of the rotated Bitmap. When I rotate that bitmap, it works but the background (the white part of the bitmap) is rotated too Apr 4, 2021 · No. BitmapFactory import android. getHeight (), matrix, true); This rotates the bitmap but does not flip it. ImageView; Code: (Assuming imageView, angle Mar 1, 2014 · After searching for a while, I found that the rotation is not defined by google but the manufactuer themselves and samsung seems have some different setting. So I'm guessing I'll have to develop some method that will return a dst rect. Also, there are some suggestion to use another way to check the rotation. My Question is how to achieve for Apr 12, 2015 · Im taking a screenshot of my app and try to post it on facebook using the facebook SDK. However, i would like to avoid to re compress it when saving it back to the disk. Bitmap bMapRotate = Bitmap. 3. the cropping rectangle,etc. Beside that you are calling createBitmap() inside your draw() method which is literally evil. Need a true Dec 24, 2020 · I have path rect and bitmap, want to add bitmap inside path, While draw on start it appears as expected, but while rotate and draw bitmap goes outside bounds. getWidth (), 0); bitmap = Bitmap. inSampleSize and I still get the rotation (counter-clockwise 90 degrees seemingly). Matrix import android. Jan 15, 2016 · I am trying to rotate the image using glide library. ACTION_MOVE , not onLongPress, and then changing the image rotation on the fly. postRotate(90); //supply the original width and height, if you don't want to change the height and width of //bitmap. drawBitmap(bitmap, matrix, null); and display the last one drawingImageView. Feb 21, 2022 · though they recommend not using that for network I/O. Hot Network Questions Apr 4, 2013 · The setCameraDisplayOrientation() method lets you change how the preview is displayed without affecting how the image is recorded (). 6. I tried using Jul 30, 2012 · The bitmap rotates, yet the dst rect will also have to increase/decrease depending on the angle of rotation, or else the bimap will appear smaller, since it's drawn into a fixed dst rect. After rotation bitmaps must be in the same position, relative to each other. "X" is pivot point. postRotate(rotation,cx,cy); canvas. reset(). May 3, 2016 · In some devices, when the camera is launched the orientation would change. postRotate(rotation); // or matrix. Android - scale, rotate and save a bitmap to sdcard without losing quality. However, the image set by the Glide in the image view is in landscape instead of portrait and it requires rotation of 90 degree . However, all Bitmaps are automatically scaled to fit the density of the screen that is currently in use. i have set the bounds of the bit map on the start of drawing but after I change the rotation matrix and rotate the bit map it does not change the bounds based on the new matrix It's because each time you click the button, you're still referencing the ORIGINAL image, not the one you changed. Is there a better way? JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images Jul 22, 2016 · I would suggest you to use a custom view. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Dec 10, 2015 · Basically rotating bitmap is a task of rotating 2D array without using additional memory. I then tried this code. Here’s a quick implementation of Android’s multi touch feature – one finger to move, two to zoom, and three to rotate the image. getWidth()/2, originalBitmap. I overwrite the onDraw method, rotate the Canvas and draw the bitmap with an anti-aliased Paint. When rotate function is not included, I simply copy the color bytes within the cropping rectangle on the old bitmap as follow. createBitmap(originalBitmap, 0, 0, originalBitmap. setDisplayOrientation(90); but also rotated the bitmap because for some reason the others approaches doesnt work for me in version 2. The problem is that the size of image change in the rotate process and I desire that not happen. It's like a new matrix. ) Here is the relevant code: Dec 25, 2014 · Decode your bitmap from, for example, Resources, but there are other ways. You can simply extend ImageView and rotate the Canvas while drawing Dec 31, 2014 · Android rotate bitmap without making a copy. This is on my Nexus S that's running 2. I know I can use. Jan 10, 2012 · What is happening in your code, is that the bitmap that is created is the correct size. rotate(); canvas. Jan 4, 2012 · 1) if you wish to perform ONE transformation in your bitmap, you CAN use SET (setRotate, setScale etc). – CQM Aug 19, 2012 · Firstly, you will have to detect the orientation change, and when you detect a change to landscape orientation you just rotate your bitmap accordingly. File import java. createBitmap(myBitmap, 0, 0, myBitmap. This question is somewhat related from this question: Trying to scale down a Bitmap in Android not working. ExifInterface import java. media. drawable. Here is my code. FileOutputStream object Dec 15, 2017 · After checking the byte[] the Exif tag returned is ExifInterface. Loads a bitmap from a file, and applies the rotation that is specified in the EXIF data of the file. I got these code from Android: How to rotate a bitmap on a center point and there users say that its working, but not with me. I have checked many threads of Jan 2, 2013 · I have tried different codes rotateImage, 1, 2, 3 etc. I can't rotate whole canvas, only this two bitmaps. Apr 26, 2012 · I am saving an image from the camera that was in landscape mode. Mar 9, 2012 · I have created a canvas and draw a bitmap on it, and animate it every time I touch the canvas. So, the moment you have 2 bitmaps is not in the heap, but in the RAM of the device (JNI). restore(); then I find it too hard to draw the bitmap at the exact location I want (since I draw on a rotated canvas, which I rotate back afterwards). That's why OP's rotation was not working. You only need a quadrant worth of rotation pre-calculated. graphics Jun 27, 2014 · The following code can help you compress and resize the bitmap. 2018 I found that this method doesn't work with Samsung device based on Android 8+. But note that any call to a "set" method OVERRIDES other transformations. getWidth(), originalBitmap Aug 10, 2015 · I have to rotate an image in an angle and crop through android crop intent. Sep 2, 2011 · Bitmap. g. public Jul 1, 2016 · I would like to rotate and save the rotated image and move it elsewhere within my android device. createScaledBitmap(image, newWidth, newHeight, true); return newImage; } Sep 28, 2017 · I have an Image File (jpg) and i need to rotate it. getHeight()/2); return Bitmap. May 20, 2013 · I have a code for rotate an ImageView, and good good. Reason: This method gets called up to 60 times per second (or even more) so you create hundreds of bitmaps during a few seconds. 1. Jul 15, 2021 · The rotation value of ImageInfo will be the rotation, which if applied to the output image, will make the image match target rotation specified here. watch_face); Set up a Matrix inside onDraw for the rotation. getHeight(), matrix, true);//Rotated Bitmap Well if you have this bitmap generated from a url , go ahead and use this function Feb 1, 2012 · I have a simple code that rotates a canvas with a bitmap. This works fine on a HTC phone, but does not work on Samsung Google Nexus S Apr 22, 2014 · Hello I am working on one android app where I need to capture the image using camera intent and set the bitmap in the imageview but here bitmap is rotated by 90 degree. In order to change the actual recorded image you need to set the rotation parameter of the Camera. postRotate() but the problem is that this procedure despite the fact that it is very common inside android and it is working properlyit is slow for such large bitmapsalmost 5 seconds on my phone. But this is not necessary if all you want is just to display rotated Bitmap. Note: it’s often easier to use Glide instead. Here's the step-by-step process: Step 1: Create a new class called RotatedBitmapDrawable Oct 17, 2012 · Suppose that I can now rotate the bitmap separately from all objects,i. setImageMatrix(Matrix) Detect gesture from any view that U want Use matrix translation for dragging and rotation and matrix scale for zooming using the values that U got in touch event. Oct 20, 2015 · Everything is working fine that I can get the image from the gallery and can take the pic from the camera and set it in the image view. Rotating a bitmap in Android can be accomplished using the Matrix class. graphics. 0" May 21, 2020 · As Commensware suggested you have use ExifInterface to the rotation of the image file. xml file, which I placed in res/anim/: <?xml version="1. To handle this we need to find the orientation and rotate the picture accordingly. Typically, rotating an image would be used in more than one place within the application, so I would suggest putting the image-rotation logic into its own utility class. It has the advantage of not needing access to the file itself. ucawxf ive ufoqk ukphp kxlz vdrj lvoe lvmjw kfymwh pygtjm