Slow rising hcg forum 2020. I've had light spotting this morning.
Slow rising hcg forum 2020 96K Discussions. My midwife said to me my numbers weren’t “reassuring” and I was just expecting another MC. I had no risk factors or symptoms, but my hcg was low and slow rising at the start. 7/10 2138/10 30610/10 55714/10 160021/10 6550I’ve had two MC previously that both went the same exact path. I put it into a calculator and I think that’s a 71% increase? Low - slow rising HCG - success stories? advice?? Need Hugs! Hi all, on my first FET of a 6 day PGT tested male embryo. @6w2d it only rose to 12,222. However, I was cycle tracking and ovulated later in my cycle at CD Hi! I’ve been posting and searching too. Booked in for urgent ultrasound in 3 hours. According to my app, I should have ovulated 9/16. I assumed that day was 14dpo per positive OPK 2wks prior. He said they are doubling closer to 72 hours than 48 and he also thinks I’m earlier due to irregular periods and endometriosis. Slow rising HCG, almost 6 weeks. October 14, 2024 | by ark6349. Likely early My hcg levels are rising but very slowly. It usually is an indicator and doesn’t have a good outcome. They gave me an appointment for ultrasound next week. 25% increase. Slow rising HCG not doubling. I went into my doctor this past Monday, thinking I was 6 weeks and 6 days but I was actually 5 weeks and 6 days so either I’m bad at math or something was up. My hcg is rising very slow and im concerned it will end in a miscarriage. 08K Discussions. This morning (1wk later), HCG is 107mIU/mL. 1. Hcg on 11/6 was 45, 11/8 was 116, 11/13 was 260, and 11/18 was 675. I hope that you’re the exception though! Hi all! I'm guarding my heart as I'm barely getting by here but looking for some success stories or other thoughts on very low and slow rising HCG:11 dpo - 14. No bleeding or cramping which I’m taking as a hopefully good sign & still experiencing the early The doctor seems optimistic. C. I’ve been told it likely isn’t viable again and having more bloods today. My OB said that it was a little on the lower end so she had me tested again within 10-14 days. told me to expect a period-like cramping - not the worst cramping but def. January 10, 2025 | by qntkrh. Hi all, due to slow rising hCG I got an ultrasound at 6 weeks 6 days to rule out ectopic pregnancy. I was scolded by the nurse it was too early and to not come back until Friday. 7 answers / Last post: 19/04/2020 at 8:20 am. Slow rise HCG. 64K Discussions. We have been doing beta HCG every 48 hours1st- 232nd- 253rd- 604th- 92Any advice or stories? We are prepared for the worst but I was shocked they rose at There is no single "normal" hCG level in early pregnancy. Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: pregnancy / Pregnancy problems; Losing hope - slow rising HCG. We have been ttc for 2. I don’t have a single one that doubled in 48 hours. December 19, 2024 | by ClaireMackenzie. They had me come back in same day for an u/s. Slow rising HCG level Jump to Latest 6K views 37 replies 19 participants last post by lilacbunnykins Apr 16, 2008 In Slow Rising HCG levels. Started Slow Rise Last miscarriage I was at 6. Am I miscarrying? Background - live far from OB, went to ER after spotting & cramps at 6+4. Report as Inappropriate. By itself though, hCG cannot give a definitive answer about the health of your pregnancy. I went to test again on Tues and my hcg was only 822. There aren't alot of updates in this forum but I am currently going through the same thing. I am getting blood work done tomorrow. Went in for blood draw on Monday -199Wednesday -287I go back Friday. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. The Dr ruled out an ecptopic based on my very low HCG and based I'm currently 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant as per my period. I have been bleeding as bad as a period with cramps & clots for 5 days now. 313 dpo - 33. In September 2025 Babies. After no fetus was located on ultrasound, the doctor I met with let me know with the low and decreasing HCG that I likely had a blighted ovum, to prepare for miscarriage and basically wiped her hands clean of me. We went in for a scan, and the tech couldn’t find anything in my uterus. Thursday 2/15 my HCG level was 482, Sunday it was 929, Tuesday it was 1030. Why do hcg levels rise so slow? Is there any hope at all for this pregnancy to be viable ? It's now 3 weeks since our 5day embryo transfer,and my hcg is rising, but very slow. I know I’m only 4 weeks so very early. So it would be wrong to always assume the presence of a nonviable pregnancy even if there is an hCG rise below 53% over I'd advocate for an early ultrasound as soon as your levels are high enough- they can usually visualize something when hcg is 1500 or higher. of course Excitedly got pregnant again on Clomiphene amd had darkening FR pregnancy tests however my hcg at week 5 only showed 250 and it was 60 at 4 weeks. On 5+5, my beta was 6,515. Slow rising HCG with Progesterone Supplement. Have had several positive tests. I just got back from my 7 week US, measuring a day ahead and heart rate of 147! I am roughly 8 weeks pregnant (irregular periods) and am having very slow rising HCG which initially started quite well. Even saw the heartbeat but at the second scan, it stopped growing. So even with slow rising hCG the numbers are high so it’s still within normal limits. I go in Monday for another I had bleeding like a period the next day so they told me to come in and the doctor wanted HCG levels checked and ultrasound. 5 Unfortunately when I had a miscarriage 2 years ago, I too had slow rising HCG and was told it was going to be a pending miscarriage. Not doctor wasn’t concerned because it did increase. 715 dpo - 73. B. of course I was literally sick over my slow rising HCG levelsthey were not doubling but increasing by about 1000 every 48-72 hours. My first was 1460 then 3470 and Fridays was 5270. They have drawn a 4th hcg and I’m assuming it must be very low. My biggest fear is the progesterone, but I’ve seen from most people by 3 days on it they went up significantly. 159K Members. I wouldn’t give up hope. Hugs, momma. And it looks like the pregnancy test lines are getting This is the furthest I've gotten in 6 years, I'm 4wk6 but my hcg numbers are rising slowly. 65K Discussions. Started off (10 days after transfer) with hcg of 11 followed every 4 days by 22,60 and today 111. This is my third pregnancy and my numbers more than doubled with my first My hcg has been slow from get go. August 10, 2024 | by Elysseus. January 05, 2025 | by ddsus. moromywo. My doctor said the minimum for a healthy pregnancy is 35% so we’ll see how everything plays out. Ultrasound tech showed us heartbeat, ER doc said nope, radiologist says no heartbeat or fetal pole and most likely miscarrying. I got my HCG done 10/14, which was 275. 11/4 hcg 76, progesterone 26 11/6 hcg 122, progesterone 28 11/8 hcg 238, progesterone 21 11/12 hcg 2,191 and progesterone 19 11/19 hcg 13,451 and prog. So i got blood work done at around 4 weeks i wasnt sure how many days and my hcg level was 410. 5 years and are on our secound IVF cycle. Today I should be 4w4d if calculating from the start of last menstrual cycle. at 4 weeks I was at 23at 4wks4 I was at 58 and today I'm 4wks6 and only at 89. DPO 32- 3750. I know these aren’t quite doubling but my OB says it’s ok. I’m going through this now. In September 2020 Babies. April 2020 Babies. My last period was 9/9 but I have a longer cycle December 2020 Babies. I accepted things when my The Dr. No bleeding. Four days later HCG 160. I only took one because I felt so nauseous. Has anyone experienced low and slow rising HCG levels and had a successful pregnancy? My HCG is fairly low and took a dip about a week ago. Very very Hey y’all, wondering if anyone has any success stories of slow rising HCG?I transferred two embryos two weeks ago. 30dpt Does anyone have any positive stories about low starting and slow rising hcg. Nurse said it should be doubling every 48 hours, however some websites state after 6 weeks Talk me off the ledge regarding slow rising hcg. Last Tuesday I had my HCG levels checked and they were 3972. I'm afraid that I can be in the process of an impending mc again, I am hoping someone out there has had slow rising hcg Slow rising HCG - need advice December 24, 2024 | by bbmariah Test #1 - 153Test #2 (60 hours later) - 253Test #3 - (46 hours later) - 441 & progesterone is 14. BabySabond. 26dpt hcg 2500. Any success stories of low numbers at 12DPO? Doctor doesn’t think I need another blood test until 15DPO or even 18DPO but after slow rise last time and Monday I was 14dpo, positive home test, beta HCG 6/15 - 5pm - 58. That's because serum hCG levels in early pregnancy increase in a curvilinear fashion until a plateau at 100,000 mIU/mL by 10 weeks of gestation. I've had light spotting this morning. I go in today for my repeat ultrasound and am a total mess. Like. So I’m trying to be very positive right now but it’s hard. When my first hcg draw was done I was 4+1 and hcg was 44 and progesterone was just shy of 21. I pray it is a better outcome for you, and if not, that it is the lesser invasive of the two. As you can see, my numbers aren’t doubling. I found the stories on reddit to be super helpful in curbing my expectations when waiting in beta and ultrasound hell. I’m trying my best to stay positive but it’s definitely got me worrying since it didn’t double. I did some bloodwork and got the results. I've had three MMC and one live birth (09/ 20: MMC, 12/21: had my child, 02/23; MMC, 10/23: MMC). I’m on progesterone injections and medication for my thyroid. @mommamack804, let us know how it goes tomorrow! Whether it ended in a successful pregnancy or not, if you have any experience with slow rising HCG I’d love to hear your experiences! My LMP was Dec 9 so I’m currently 4+2 I think (like I said, first pregnancy so I’m still learning lol). Day 10 hcg was 69 and day 12 Slow-rising HCG any similar stories? I'm due 9/6/2020 and am currently 6+4. My hCG results are as follows and have been done roughly every 4 days: DPO 17- 470. The next one 4 days later was up but not quite doubled. Pray for me 🙏 Already lost a pregnancy in June, I can't bear to do this again. I’m a surrogate for an amazing family and had a great transfer and positive tests. I am no stranger to loss, I’ve been TTC since 2020 - I have PCOS, septate uterus that was surgically repaired in 2022, and we’ve had several miscarriages. My urine test came back faint. My OB had me come in the next day and was perplexed - she said my HCG sounded fine. Low rising hcg level. Hi everyone. My HCG is 620. Beta 1 (12dp3dt/15dpo): I posted a few weeks ago that my hcg was slowly rising. 187K Members. my HCG has been super low & rising super slow, I had an ultrasound that put the baby 12 days behind where I thought I was, but had a super strong heartbeat. (5 days in between) definitely not doubling every 48hrs. 77K Discussions. has anyone else experienced this and had a healthy baby? Hi everyone! I just received my 2nd hcg beta results and was wondering if anyone has any success stories to share of slow rising hcg. HCG slow rising success stories. I am 36 if that has anything to do with it. My previous pregnancy was ectopic with a rise rate in the 50th percentile. The ultrasound showed a healthy, viable embryo with a heart beat of 122 This goes to show that slow-rising hCG levels should be taken seriously when it comes to determining a “normal” pregnancy. 54. I’m at >10,000 now at 5w1d. The anxiety is killing me ☹️. It’s gone from a double every 2-3 days to now 4. My 1st ultrasound was scheduled for 9/14, and surprisingly we discovered Twins! Also, the hcg numbers were actually better for me and doubling when I had the miscarriages ♀️ so I have no idea how that happened! By the way, I rarely used to write/reply on forums but when I was googling answers for hcg question I couldn’t find anything that specific. Hey! So I had my “period” July 25-30th then got my positive test on the 31st of August. I am currently 4w 4d pregnant. May 2020 Babies. Hi there!Not really looking for answers here, but more support I guess? I’m 7 weeks today and my beta hcg has been verryyy slow. Is there any hope for this pregnancy ? I had a blood test on Wednesday at 5. Had some light spotting on Monday so got tests done. 3 days later did one more 479. My 3rd HCG was a significant fall and 3 days later I have had bleeding and cramping. 195K Members. According to my LMP I am 7 weeks 1 day. and now seems to be rising too slow. With my history of miscarriage, I’m a total reck. The latest went from 7980 to 8800 in 6 days This pregnancy has been a roller coaster the entire time through with slow rising HCG and then bleeding but the little one has been hanging on. My other healthy pregnancies had a much higher rise with HCG. Retested on Thursday and it was at 33. Hi all, I'm currently 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant as per my period. My first blood test showed HCG 38. l. From July 15 to now, I have been experiencing on and off brown discharge to bright red blood. low and slow rising HCG and bleeding and cramping. They wanted it retested a week later (today) and it’s at 1,926. I am really nervous. 30dpt I literally just experienced the exact same thing, a 44% rise. 3 weeks (2900) then another blood test today at 5. So this is IVF #7 and I have had one miscarriage in the last 12 months. 207K Members. i went in on 11/13 and I was measuring exactly 5 weeks (3 days behind where they thought i should be). I'm slow rising and numbers are pretty low, at end of 3 weeks I started at 37, then 52, 105 and 189. I’m 6 weeks and a day with a slow rising HCG. e. . ldevito0711. The fertility clinic keeps sending me for blood tests every 4 days. And it looks like the pregnancy test lines are getting Hi all. cramping and bleeding. My hCG last Wednesday was 536. I’m around 6w6d todayDo my hcg has been on the lower end, and now seems to be rising too slow. I got my blood taken on Tuesday (4 days before my period was due) and my hCG was at 16. I received a blood test when I was 12dpo My hcg then was 656. Doctor is saying things *might* be ok, but Had a 5 day FET on 7th December. We saw the gestational sack, yolk and Hi I am 4 wks preg. I was 6. I retested at 4+3 and it was 74. 12/17 it was 1727 and yesterday 2790, so over 4 days doubling time. Does anyone have a positive experience of spitting and slow rising hcg? Slow rising HCG. Thn i went a week later (this wednesday) and its at 1157. C-Rad. 3Is there any hope? March 2020 Babies. Does anyone have any success stories with slow rising hcg? Dec 28- hcg 310 / dec 29 (pm)- hcg 410/ jan 3(am)- hcg 1044 / jan 9 (am)- 3832 It’s rising but very slowly. Start Discussion View Members Join Group Leave Group. January 07, 2025 | by babyfoelz. Beta 1 (12dp3dt/15dpo): I’m 6 weeks 2 days currently and have had no cramping or spotting but these were my numbers last week:1,204 5 weeks 2 days1,989 5 weeks 4 days2,869 5 weeks 6 daysI had an ultrasound at 6 weeks exactly and there was a gestational sac and what looked like a yolk sac but it was all still small so at this my hcg has been on the lower end, and now seems to be rising too slow. I’m pregnant again, trying progesterone for the first time and we were so hopeful. Hoping to be an anomaly and not the norm for once haha. 6. The ultrasound showed a healthy, viable embryo with a heart beat of 122 Does anyone have a positive experience of spitting and slow rising hcg? Had a 5 day FET on 7th December. I was still freaking out though, because of my age, my history of loss, and the slow rising HCG. I had 7MCs from the past. 20dpt hcg 640. Hi all, due to slow rising hCG I got an ultrasound at 6 weeks 6 days to rule out ectopic pregnancy. I am concerned about my hCG levels and how slow they are rising. Stopped there as it was rising fine, had an ultrasound when I was 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant as I have had previous miscarriages. Forum Home > Pregnant > Pregnancy New Posts FAQ Register Login. Slow rising hCG with heartbeat. I have been tested all about 2-3 days apart. Not doubling but always rising. Beta 2 was 260. Beta HCG - 9736. And it looks like the pregnancy HCG Slow Rising. At 5 weeks 2 days we saw a sac on ultrasound, but my HCG May 2020 Babies. Positive as well as negative stories! I’m trying to be a realist! I have PCOS and have recently had my Metformin increased to 1000mg How slow can HCG rise while still being a viable pregnancy ? On the day that I should’ve got my period but got a positive pregnancy test instead, HCG was 25mIU/mL. I have my first drawn on Friday level of 44 which is low and then today 64 so did not double in 48 hours. We have just had a miscarriage at 5 weeks 2 months ago, we are expecring again and this one has been looking a lot better but we are are somewhat concerned again. So I’m hoping you’re wrong too (respectfully). They’ve ruled out ectopic. On the u/s (at 5w 1d), the pregnancy was confirmed to be in the uterus and was measured at 5w2d. 5 weeks (4300) I’m worried since it didn’t double. Now I’m waiting for a call from the Doc for the next steps. First hcg test at 4 weeks pregnant was 44, Second hcg 2 days later was 169 3 days later did one more 479. First baby, first post. I had a positive pregnancy test, 4 actually(you know just to be sure :)) I ended up getting an HCG blood test and it came back at 55 (confirmed My hcg is slow rising but doubling and my progesterone is on the lower Latest: 1 day ago | mrsbudwick. Stseaido. I’m nervous about the HCG but have heard a lot of positive stories about slow rising HCG. Yes, slow-rising levels can be a sign of one of the abnormalities we Slow rising HCG. DPO 25- 1660 (ultrasound showed everything) DPO 29- 2600. Hi all, I’d like to post my story for those looking for data regarding slow rising betas and early ultrasound results. Trying to stay off the internet, but it’s so hard not to go down the rabbit hole!8/2 hcg 2800 5 wks 6 days8/6 hcg HCG very slow rising. Slow rising HCG: Post Reply : Page 1 2 > Author: Message Topic Quote Reply Topic: Slow rising HCG Posted: 27 November 2009 at 3:56pm: I have been a lurker for a few years and have only ocasionally posted. 3 and my hCG was 355 when I started bleeding. The ultrasound ended up measuring 5. After initial low levels at 4 weeks 1 day (50) it rose to 250 then 600 by 4 weeks 6 days. Although I may have ovulated late. Does anyone have any positive stories regarding slow hcg rise after 6 weeks? My hcg was 6,870 on Wednesday and 23,653 on Monday. girl, fret not. I forget the exact number. First draw at 13DPO was 38, second draw at 15DPO (47 hours later) it was 65. I tested progesterone myself 2 days ago and it was 7. At six weeks I had slight brown discharge so I called my OB. First BFP 5dpt however then noticed lines got a little lighter transiently around day 9 before any official bloods. My HCG was >100,000 at 7 weeks with my now nearly 2 year old healthy son. DPO 21- 1450. I have Hello - I had a MMC in November 2020 and a chemical pregnancy in February, so I’m really only looking for advice from folks who have had slow rising hCG and everything was OK. 186K Members. According to the first day of my last period I am 6 weeks 6 days gestational. On Thursday I checked them again a little before the 48 hr mark and they were 6000 something. Advised by the doctor to continue medications and come back friday to check on the levels (they are also checking thyroid). Show 4 Previous Comments. I’ve seen posts where people had low and Had a 5 day FET on 7th December. m. I took the first hcg test at week 5 day 2, and it was 1400 and another one at week 5 day 4 and hcg was 1900. On For some reason some people just have HCG that start slow but then they pick up. They had me come back in 2 days for a redraw and Hcg was about 2100. Thursday morning my urine test was no darker and I panicked so I went back to repeat knowing the orders were in 6/18 9AM beta hcg 109 - doubling time 70hrs, 60% 2 day increase early in my pregnancy. My HCG is technically within the normal range, but the very low end of it. Day 10 hcg was 69 and day 12 was then 72 (at a different lab). Stopped there as it was The doctor said he isn't worried but I'm really worried a hcg of 95 at 5 weeks sounds really wrong - the only other reason for the low hcg is that the sperm reached the egg A forum community dedicated to infertility and fertility support. 9/7: 4212. I had one episode of bleeding so they decided to check my levels. Beta 1 was 208. Top posts of August 2020. 17. Even if an ultrasound shows the pregnancy to be healthy. Don’t let these posts scare you. I had my IUI on 4/8 and am now 6 weeks +1. I have go for my next US on 11/27. S. 09K Discussions. I believe I’m just over 5 weeks. mum2021. Do we think Hi everyone! I just received my 2nd hcg beta results and was wondering if anyone has any success stories to share of slow rising hcg. 92. I had a CP two months ago and did beta testing as soon as I got a positive this month. I’ve been followed very closely by my infertility doctor. The wait every time is so long, with no real answers. This app shows im 5 weeks today. My second draw after 2 days came out 36. Got my HCG back at 43 on monday (12DPT) and 61 today (14DPT). I am in the 60th percentile for this one. It began doubling appropriately around . 3. Slow rising HCG. I'm terrified. Seebert et al reported in 2006 and Morse confirmed this in 2012 that a rise of at least 35% over 48 hours was proposed as the minimal rise consistent with a viable early intrauterine pregnancy. Maisie G(2) 27/03/2020 at 7:28 am. I won't know until my ultrasound on Tuesday. Hi All! I’m pregnant with my second (6 weeks and 2 days) and experiencing something I didn’t with my first. Obviously praying for a miracle, however I'm so stress out with what going let me start in the beginning I took a pregnancy test August 28 and it was positive after that 2 weeks later I started bleed light for a whole week so I decided to go see a doctor they did a vaginal ultersound and didn't see nothing he said maybe I'm way to early Very slow rising Hcg with a normal US. I’m not sure if this is the best area for this post. 9/9: 5776, initially they were concerned because it was rising but not doubling. @6w. elizzzza. It increased but not as much as expected. At that point we thought it was chemical however hcgs then trended like this 17dpt hcg 220. My story has not ended well. Some people just have high HCG pregnancies. My OB said she’s happy they are rising and “may Slow rising HCG - need advice December 24, 2024 | by bbmariah Test #1 - 153Test #2 (60 hours later) - 253Test #3 - (46 hours later) - 441 & progesterone is 14. My doctor ordered quantitative HCG tests to track my early pregnancy due to my miscarriage back in October. It’s a sign of a healthy little zygote. 9/2: 1695. My hcg is slow rising but doubling and my progesterone is on the lower Latest: 2 days ago | mrsbudwick. I went today, 10/24, and it was 3,494. The first HCG at four weeks was fine. My HCG ended up being 2005 on Thursday afternoon. Looking at hCG numbers that are continually rising, but not as quickly as they should My doctor keeps having me do repeat blood work (2x my hCG has gone up a good bit but not doubled), and I have an ultrasound scheduled Thursday. Come join the discussion about ovulation, donors, surrogacy, spirituality, therapy, medication, self help, I had my first draw of beta at 3W2D and it turned out 20. A second hCG value measurement is recommended two days after the initial measurement to assess for an increase or a decrease when clinical findings suggest an abnormal gestation. 5 weeks on Monday. Of the women who had a slow-rising HCG level AND a viable ultrasound (like me), only 4% went on to have successful pregnancies. 2. December 04, 2024 | by smcmullen07. Hi! Looking for any advice/support. 2 weeks! She said there was a slightly irregular sac, and very small subchorionic hematoma but just to avoid any heavy lifting. I am so nervous because I had an ectopic pregnancy in 2006 then a very early mc in July of 2015. My hcg is only rising by about 37-38%. HCG went from 23,000 to 36,000 in 60 hours. I am getting less hopeful as I had a couple of miscarriages after slow rising hcg. I am holding on to the positives and the heart beat earlier this week is a huge positive. Help. Hey everyone, I took a pregnancy test 2 weeks after my period, so technically around the time I would have been ovulating. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I'm still concerned for ectopic, chemical or Saw a small gestational sac at 5+4 that measured a few days behind when my hcg was around 2000. Hi friends - I need some reassurance. It’s on the trend on doubling about every 3 days. I'm due 9/6/2020 and am currently 6+4. HCG 23 at 12 DPO. They are as follows :27/28 DPO: 27,238 HCGProgesterone: Low/slow rising HCG level at 6 weeks . I freaked out, figured it was a loss. The fetal pole is measuring 7W1D but the sac is apparently WTE Must Reads. My Hcg levels were slow rising as well. trss bogdz zgrjc ictvnge ivg pba cwn lpslhlb nckt ieflvr