Banana cultivation ppt pdf. Indexing of TC Plants 21 9.

Banana cultivation ppt pdf At the time of planting, apply 25 g Bacillus Subtils / plant. export & import: all countries • export: all countries 6. 3. Commercial banana production occurs on all major Hawaiian Islands, Sep 13, 2023 · Other than banana, its by‐products such as peel, pseudo‐stems, leaves, and blossoms are also rich in several nutrients, for example, carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, and so on. • In India hybridization work was started at Central Banana Research Station, Adhuthurai, Tamil Nadu in 1949. 5 million tones of production. This document provides an overview of banana production in Malaysia. Read less Oct 21, 2023 · The effect of different culture systems on photosynthetic pigment contents (mg g−1 FW) of banana varieties during micropropagation, rooting, and greenhouse stages. 85000/-. ) Productivity (mt. 5 to 1 m in depth, rich, well drained, fertile, moisture retentive, containing plenty of Use tissue cultured banana plants with 5-6 leaves. Jul 7, 2018 · • United Fruit Company also started a small breeding programme in Panama in 1920s. Deep, rich loamy soil with pH between 6. 70 thousand ha. 91 4 Sarlahi 2015 25693 16. Water Management 06. It is cultivated in India from 80 to 280 north latitude in areas with 12-38 degree Celsius temperature and 500-2000 ml annual rainfall. Ca/100g) • Rich source of Vit C,K, and mineral • Plantain are banana used for cooking ,floor making and chip making By nature banana is a heavy consumer of nutrients for its optimal growth and production, consuming 20-30 per cent of the cost involved in production. Pest and Disease Management 09. Journey of Certification of Banana in India 16 7. Apart from fresh consumption, some types are also used for Ppt Banana TC (1) - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. sp. Crop production Select cultivars and varieties according to production and nutritional factors, as Introduction 1 2. The profitability of saba growing is measured in terms of ratio between the production costs and output level. Bananas are cultivated throughout the (sub)tropics with a global production area of 12 millionha (FAO, 2017) in a wide variety of production systems. Gebre et al. This document provides information on the process of banana tissue culture propagation. of fingers /hand – 12 -15 Wt. Milestone Of Development (Grandnaine). Plant tissue culture is the process of culturing plant cells, tissues or organs on a nutrient medium under sterile conditions. Jan 4, 2010 · 3. In respect of area it ranks second and first in production only after mango in this country. C. It accounts for 25% of the world's banana production. A PowerPoint presentation on banana cultivation serves as an excellent tool to educate farmers, agricultural enthusiasts, and students about the various aspects of growing bananas. 7 tons/ha as against the national average production 13. •Banana Wine: Emerging market in exotic and craft beverages. ) Production (mt. Apr 28, 2020 · - The document discusses the production of bananas, including its botanical information, nutritional value, varieties, climate requirements, soil type, propagation through suckers, spacing, irrigation, fertilizer application, cultural practices, cropping, harvesting, and typical yields. as per ancient Indian literature. Planting 04. The soil should have good drainage, adequate fertility and moisture. Using false decapitation, a small hole is made in the pseudostem through which the meristem is destroyed. ) 1 Nawalparasi West 2900 30866 14. Field preparation Wet lands No preparatory cultivation is necessary. Several pathogens, including fungi, bacteria, and virus, can impair banana production as emergent threats or established and widespread diseases. 33 ha where he got profit of arou nd Rs. and originating from Southeast Asia. 25 m x 1. production of banana is around 102028. The ideal temperature for banana cultivation is 20 to 30 degree Celsius. Grand Naine is one of the most commonly cultivated bananas and a member of the commercial Cavendish banana cultivar group. 67˚ C and 100mm per month respectively (Morton, 1987). bud production by destroying the active growing point (meristem) in the pseudostem. MUSHROOM CULTIVATION Mushrooms are the fruit bodies of edible fungi, commonly belonging to Basidiomycotina (Agaricus campestris, A. Banana (Musa sp. In India, the production of bananas has been rising continuously since 2005. • Davao Region was the top producer of banana with 842. Maharashtra ranks first in production with 60 T/ha. Apr 30, 2017 · 1. Dec 9, 2023 · Introduction to G9 tissue culture banana cultivation. By avoiding harmful chemicals, organic farmers promote biodiversity and produce healthier fruits. WJASS. Organic Banana cultivation involves growing Bananas without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Rainfall: 1,000 – 2,000 mm/year is required. It details common production practices including soil and planting requirements, intercropping, fertilization and disease/pest management. This technique is used to mass produce banana plants that are free from diseases. Banana in smallholder farmer systems in East Africa is traditionally propagated by means of suckers, which contain pests and diseases. Hill Banana Bananas are an important crop worldwide, providing nutrition and income. Harvesting 10. The banana is one of the most important food security and cash crops in Uganda. Climate and Soil Rainfall – 200 -250 cm Optimum temp. Master thesis in Sustainable Development at Uppsala University, No. ) planting material is an effective method of providing pest and disease-free plants. potential, banana are so far most consuming product through the globe so its importance has given rise to the alternative methods of propagation that is so called micro propagation. of hands – 10-12. pdf) or read online for free. DOI: 10. In India it is common in Karnataka, AP, Orissa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu etc. Banana 40 320 60 1000 Potassium content in a banana leaf is rather high (Fig. The case of banana production in Amubri, Costa Rica. 5% share to the total production. In India, banana is being cultivated under nine lakh hectares with a production of 36. MS. Challenges to banana production in africa Production of bananas in Africa is, however, threatened by many challenges, in-cluding: > Several important pests and diseases – Pests and diseases are the main threat to banana production. , with national average of 33. major banana-growing areas of Ethiopia. ID. Sep 13, 2017 · 6. The key points are that bananas Banana (Musa sp. /ha. esculenta). 4% of the total banana production. These conditions are found in altitudes between. Aug 20, 2018 · For diseases, it describes Panama wilt, sigatoka leaf spot, and anthracnose and their symptoms and controls. Economics and Export 35 12. Feb 20, 2021 · Download full-text PDF Read full-text. the give bolster to the banana production to peak of its best quality round the world and will Feb 13, 2015 · 3. The total share of Sindh province alone in its cultivation in the area is 87 per cent and 89 per cent in production. 2018/23, pp. 000529. 5 T/ha. The banana production system as a whole contributing not only to the production alone but also to Jan 9, 2014 · AN OVERVIEW OF BANANA BANANA is the 4th largest crop of the world. In Maharashtra, Jalgaon district leads in banana cultivation occupying about 34900 ha of area. Both techniques increase sprouting and sucker multiplication in the field. May 11, 2021 · Download full-text PDF Read full-text. The overall Sep 6, 2022 · India is one of the major banana producing countries in the world. % of the world‘s banana production (FAO 2 010a). Apr 24, 2021 · market survey 5. It discusses topics like banana production in India and Maharashtra, common post-harvest losses, methods to determine maturity, proper harvesting techniques, sorting and grading standards, storage recommendations, and use of controlled atmosphere and modified atmosphere storage. There are three main systems of banana production: traditional backyard growers, smallholder commercial growers, and agribusiness plantations. Deep, rich loamy and salty clay loam soil with pH between 6-7. Andhra Pradesh is the largest banana producing state with a share of 16. Banana Cultivation Practices 7 4. . Areas of the country where banana is the main staple experienceless famine. Philippine Good Agricultural Practices for Banana Production vs the Small-Scale Banana Production Practices Table 25. In case you missed it Dec 26, 2015 · 3. banana varieties & its characteristics • characters May 6, 2019 · Banana being a prioritized highvalue agricultural product and a major fruit in Nepal in terms of the potential growing area, production and domestic consumption, is currently grown in 68 districts When it comes to growing and caring for a banana tree, one needs to be aware of a lot of things that would help you cultivate a healthy banana tree. Important fruit crop next to mango fruit crop Occupies an area of 45400 ha. Cultivars Chini Champa (Ney Poovan), Champa(Poovan), Jahaji (Dwarf Cavendish), Bor Jahaji Jun 22, 2020 · This document discusses banana production in the state of Bihar, India. Plantain or cooking bananas are the staple food of people in many countries of central and western Africa. Banana Cultivation 3 3. Statewise Area, Production and Productivity of Banana in India (2006-07) Banana cultivation is a very profitable agriculture business in India. Jul 24, 2020 · Diseases have been considered the main factor responsible for yield losses in banana plantations worldwide. National Scenario : The major banana producing states of India are Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Madhya Pradesh. Saba banana growing is regarded as a business which involves several aspects from production to marketing that a miscalculation in any of the operational steps would main a business failure. Introduction Banana is the oldest and commonest fruit known to the mankind Depending on their genomic constitution, the scientific names of bananas are Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana or hybrids of Musa acuminata × balbisiana Bananas are vigorously growing monocotyledonous herbaceous plants The banana plant is a gigantic herb that springs from underground stem rhizome The life of a single Nov 15, 2014 · 10. The soil should be tested before banana cultivation . Specific details are provided on explant disinfection and sterilization, media composition, and environmental conditions required at each stage. Post Harvest Handling Send Us An Enquiry For assistance in Banana cultivation Banana Cultivation Guide General Guide in Banana 11 percent of the total global area under banana belongs to India. ei@gmail. The suitable mean temperature and rainfall for banana cultivation are 26. Read full-text. To achieve good yields, 200 – 220 mm/month, well distributed throughout the year. ) and rarely to Ascomycotina (Morchella conica, M. co Tel: +91-11-23843955, 23845654, 23845886, 8800733955 Mobile: +91-9811043595 Website: www. Monitor crop and soil water status and schedule irrigation accordingly. It outlines the agroclimate conditions suitable for banana, key varieties grown, and major producing areas in the state. ppt), PDF File (. This concentration of banana production has increased over time although showing a different regional distribution. It discusses recommended varieties, planting methods, fertilizer application schedules, pest and disease management techniques. Banana Tissue Culture in India 14 6. Fifteen top most banana growing districts in Nepal S N Districts Area under banana 9 (ha. Plantations typically grow perennial tree or shrub crops like bananas under a system of vertical and horizontal Oct 26, 2016 · Banana_cultivation_418. org Tags Banana Farming, Banana Cultivation for Profit, Banana Farming Project, Banana Cultivation, Banana Farming Business Plan, Banana Cultivation in India, Banana Chips Apr 5, 2019 · Banana. 2019. 40 3 Morang 2481 27956 14. Bunch Characters. • Important banana growing states are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa,Bihar, West Bengal and Assam . INTRODUCTION • Banana : Musa sp • family: Musaceae • Banana is one of the oldest fruit known to mankind and also important food for man. 6 m x 1. Jan 10, 2015 · Banana grows best in tropical climates and requires fertile, well-draining soil. Maharashtra leads in per ha production producing about 28. Copy link Link copied. 5 percent share of total banana production. Nov 4, 2017 · 1) The document provides information on banana production in various states in India for the year 2006-07, with Maharashtra ranking first in productivity at 62 tons per hectare and contributing 37% to total fruit production. 8 tons/ha. It has also good export potential. 1), but in fruits it exceeds 50% of its dry weight (Fig. , 2018: Factors influencing farmer’s decision-making and resilience. Traditional banana cultivars have been severe-ChaLLENgES FaCINg BaNaNa PRODuCTION ˜ ˜ POOR BaNaNa PRODuCTION The document summarizes information about post-harvest management of bananas. Bunch weight - 30 -35 Kg No. It lists several insect pests that affect bananas like banana rhizome borer, banana stem weevil, banana rust thrips, banana silvery thrips, banana aphids and describes their appearance, damage caused, and control methods. 03 2 Chitwan 2534 47187 21. 66 million tonnes, contributing 2% of Agricultural GDP. PDF-1. Banana cultivation is a significant agricultural practice globally, contributing to food security and economic growth. • Origin: South East Asia • ‘Apple of paradise’ • Rich source of energy (137 K. ) is the second most important fruit crop in India next to mango. India ranks first in banana production, contributing about 23% in world pool of banana production. Challenges 33 11. To determine the technical efficiency of Grand Naine banana cultivation. In the absence of rain, irrigation water should be applied on a “little and often” basis to banana plants Banana can be successfully cultivated in humid sub-tropical and tropical regions up to an altitude of 2000 m above sea level. Uganda is the major consumer of banana in the world for person, each one consumes 500 pounds a year. 2(1): 2019. Table 2. pdf), Text File (. Advantages of Protected cultivation 1) Productivity of the fruit crops is increased considerably. Jan 11, 2023 · 6. In Tamil Nadu, it is most prevalent in Viruppatchi, a hill station in Didigul. to cater to the needs of different sections of the society and thereby provides incentives to the growers. Varieties 03. Banana is staple food for more than 70 million people in sub sharan africa. 91 million tones from 490. G20 technologies. •Banana Flour: Growing demand as a gluten-free alternative. Cultivation of mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) on banana leaves - Free download as PDF File (. INTRODUCTION The genus Musa has about 50 species and this genus is divided into five sections. After coming back from visit with the help of Horticul ture department he started cultivation of Banana in an area of 0. 50 6 Saptari Mar 9, 2020 · Banana - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 92 million hectares. Read less Dec 7, 2023 · Area: The total area under banana cultivation in India is around 0. To safeguard sustainable banana production and generate wealth for smallholder farmers, high quality planting material is crucial. Despite being the top ranked world‘s banana . Water the banana plants after planting 1. Special Operations 08. It covers a range of topics including: 1) Variety selection, tissue culture propagation, high density planting, mulching, integrated nutrient management, drip irrigation, and integrated pest and disease management. A triangular 2 x 2 planting design can be adopted for non mechanized cultivation, and 2 x 2 x 4 in double rows for mechanized Mar 25, 2019 · Review on the Production and Marketing of Banana in Ethiopia. This disease was first reported in fiji Island. 7. The infected plant has a rosette like bunch of leaves at the apex. Irrigate newly-planted tissue culture banana plants everyday for 2 weeks (15 minutes per irrigation) to protect leaves from heat stress 2. 20 5 Jhapa 1890 34595 18. 2) Details on tissue culture propagation, popular banana varieties for different Banana Cultivation Guide 01. 6 m = 3906 plants/ha suitable for papain production. Accreditation of Labs 20 8. The Inter-Ministerial Task Force on Agricultural Marketing Reforms (May, 2002), Banana can grow from the poorest to the richest type of soil with varying success. cubense, races of the pathogen, its international spread and impact on banana production worldwide, and management strategies for fields infected with race TR4. BUNCHY TOP OF BANANA INTRODUCTION It is a viral disease. Banana is one of the most grown crops in Kenya. 17 thousand tons of which India contributes 29. To analyse the trends in area, production and productivity of banana in World, India and Tamil Nadu. Soil for banana should have good drainage, adequate fertility and moisture. co , www. 27%. Its year round availability, affordability, varietal range, taste, nutritive and medicinal value makes it the favourite fruit among all classes of people. of fingers – 130 -150 g. Nutrient dynamics in banana has therefore been worked out to enhance the nutrient use efficiency. 17 million metric tons, representing 49. g. 57 in the first cropping season and 1. 2. Manipur and Tripura. export statistics data of india 7. Protocols for Virus Indexing 22 10. entrepreneurindia. Introduction Banana and plantains are propagated vegetatively through sword suckers and other types of planting materials like bits, butts and peepers. Page 2 of 9 • To review banana marketing and its constraints in the Ethiopia. This is because the crop's all-year-round hiting habit coupled with high yield ensures continuous supply of food. Other banana growing districts are Prabhani, Thane, Dhule, Nanded And Aurangabad. To determine the input-use efficiency of Grand Naine banana cultivation. , Cogent Food & Agriculture Total Production Cost for One (1) Cropping Cycle and First Ratoon of Saba Bananas in Mindanao (Old PoT) Table 23. In India it supports livelihood of million of people. Production: India is the largest producer of bananas i n the world, accounting f or around 29% of the total This document discusses advances in banana production technology to enhance growth and productivity. Oct 25, 2016 · - The document discusses banana cultivation, including its botanical classification as Musa sp. The case of banana production in Amubri, Costa Rica Lorenza von Ketteler Ketteler, Lorenza. Introduction • A banana is an edible fruit, botanically a berry, produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. 63, 30 ECTS/hp. 25 m = 6400 plants/ha for Pusa Nanha is best for HDP. Cultivation of mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) on banana leaves May 17, 2023 · This document provides information on cultivation practices, pests, and diseases related to Nendran banana cultivation. Download citation. - It provides information on major banana producing states in India like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. India is the global leader in banana production with 22. 2) Effective control of pests and diseases is possible. It discusses the various stages of tissue culture including explant preparation, media preparation, initiation, multiplication, rooting, and hardening. Uses and Composition Banana by virtue of its, multiple uses is popularly known as “Kalpataru” (a plant with virtue). • Musa species are native to tropical Indomalaya and Australia, and are likely to have been first domesticated in Papua New Guinea. •Dried Bananas: Healthy snack option with a niche market. The foliage remains physiologically active for about three months thereafter. Jun 29, 2019 · 2. soil & climate for cultivation • soil for banana cultivation • soils of banana growing states in india • climate for banana cultivation • effects of low winter temperatures 8. Banana Cultivation in IndiaBanana is a globally important fruit crop with 97. Constraints in Banana Cultivation 13 5. After that he increased the area under banana cultivation. No. 5 – 7. Banana is eaten when ripe as dessert / table fruit. com , info@entrepreneurindia. The edible bananas of the world belong to the Emusa section. All content in this area was uploaded by Himani B Patel on Mar 12, 2020 . It focuses on natural methods to maintain soil health and protect the environment. Plantations dominate banana production in Latin America and Asia. Garden land 2 – 4 ploughings are required before planting. In Jalgaon May 9, 2023 · BANANA PRODUCTION Cavendish was the most produced variety with 1. 8 m = 3086 plants/ha for normally followed in most places. Banana is one of the most important major fruit crops grown in India. The five sections are : Emusa Rhodochlamys Callimusa Australimusa Incertae sedis All banana land races are farmers selection from intra and interspecific hybridization of two different species, Musa acuminata, donor of the A genome and Mar 2, 2019 · Banana is one of the prominent cultivation fruits in Sri Lanka and at present, approximately 54 percent of the total fruit cultivation lands are used to cultivate Banana. important source of trade and income. inspired and got the proper technique by the experts for banana cultivation with drip irrigation. World J Agri & Soil Sci. With total annual production of 16. Indexing of TC Plants 21 9. 5. Banana fruits are mostly used for table purpose as well as for cooking vegetables, while in some area of the region; mature green fruits are also used for making banana chips. 7 %öäüß 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /Lang (en) /StructTreeRoot 3 0 R /MarkInfo /Marked true >> /Metadata 4 0 R /ViewerPreferences 5 0 R >> endobj 6 0 At higher altitudes, banana cultivation is restricted to a few varieties like ‘Hill banana”. Oct 21, 2024 · Banana-Based Products •Banana Chips: Popular snack with high export potential. Nov 28, 2018 · The presentation covers key details about banana cultivation in Bihar and India, important banana diseases, symptoms and spread of Panama wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. Soil and Climate Fertility of soil is very important for successful cultivation of banana, because it is a heavy feeder crop Due to it restricted root zone; depth and drainage are the two most important considerations in selecting the soil for banana cultivation The soil suitable for banana should be 0. The followings are the optimal ecological requirements. 0 and 1,800 m above sea level are ideal. Being highly perishable in nature, there is a need to preserve this important fruit by processing it to produce banana pulp, banana chips, banana powder etc. etc. The mushrooms were used as food since long back, probably from 3000 B. 27 o C, below 21 o C growth is affected Avoid contamination of water resources with organic or inorganic production inputs. Maintenance 05. •Banana Puree: Used in baby foods, desserts, and beverages. Content uploaded by Himani B Patel. pdf. The study involved a guided interview with 120 Jan 1, 2020 · PDF | Banana is an important commercial fruit crop for smallholder farmers in Arba Minch, southern Ethiopia. Storage 11. Banana needs to be fed appropriately for good quality bunches. 2). 92 in succeeding cropping seasons, indicating that one USD spent on banana production yielded 57 cents profit and systems for sustainable banana production); • Jointly designing and implementing field research projects to produce best practices in banana production (these projects will be based on collaboration in the field among all relevant actors, including governments and their technical agencies such as research institutes and extension services); Oct 26, 2023 · 3. 02. Banana_cultivation_418. Tissue culture banana cultivation is the new trend to lower the risk and get higher banana production. 2) It discusses banana cultivation in Andhra Pradesh, noting that area under cultivation has increased but productivity Mar 1, 2020 · Planting density 1. Main banana growing states are Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. 5 is most preferred for banana cultivation. Banana is extensively grown in the lower part of Sindh(pakistan). There is significant variation between and within each of the main production regions in the world (see e. Padugai One deep spade digging is essential. In Jalgaon, traditional banana growing region of Maharashtra state, India, the leaf spot . The major pests mentioned are pseudostem weevil, rhizome weevil, banana aphid, and root mealy bug. To estimate cost and return of Grand Naine banana cultivation. Download full-text PDF. India, China, the Philippines, Brazil and Ecuador alone produced more than 60 per cent of total world banana production. It is commonly propagated through sword suckers and tissue culture. 1. Nov 2, 2020 · 2. Intercrop 07. Check out this ppt for detailed information on How to Grow and Care for a Banana Tree as shared by the experts of Everglades Farm. The Americans eat mas bananas that any other fruit, with an index of consumption 2. Fun Facts It is impossible to keep the mouth closed while you have consumed sprite and a banana, since a reaction produces to itself efervecente that prevents you from containing the gas and you might be sick. Total Production Cost for One (1) Cropping Cycle and First Ratoon of Saba Bananas in Luzon (New PoT) Table 24. Jan 1, 2023 · The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of banana was 1. 60 thousand metric tons output or 35. Sep 12, 2014 · Banana - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 19%. 11 percent of the total global area under banana belongs to India. Adopt water saving and recycling practices. ) is among the most important fruit crops in Hawai‘i in terms of economic, cultural, and nutritional value, and Hawai‘i ranks at the top within the United States in banana production (NASS 2012). Distribution of banana production by zone and region Source: CSA Mar 9, 2021 · 4. Agro Climate & Soil 02. Banana Production and Supply Potentials of Farmers Banana production in ethiopia Feb 19, 2021 · Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Apr 25, 2013 · PDF | The use of tissue culture (TC) banana (Musa spp. Oct 5, 2022 · 3. 8 m x 1. Author content. Grand Naine bananas are banana cultivars of Musa acuminata. 3) Protection against wind and other unfavorable weather conditions 4) Reduction in water consumption 5) Reduction the time of growth and developmental phases of fruit crops. Saline solid, calcareous soils are not suitable for banana cultivation. Although separate data on organic banana is not available, the area, production and productivity of banana is presented in Table 2. Proper cultivation practices such as irrigation, fertilization, pest and disease management are needed to achieve high yields of 40-60 tons per hectare. niir. 33552/WJASS. 4. Apr 22, 2019 · PDF | On Apr 22, 2019, Zinabu Ambisa published Review on the Production and Marketing of Banana in Ethiopia | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Apr 4, 2024 · Organic Banana Cultivation. Its year round availability, affordability, varietal range, taste, nutritive and medicinal value makes it the favourite fruit (To begin with commercial banana growing districts) Table 1. brunnescens, Pleurotus sajor- caju, Volvariella volvacea, Lentinus edodes, Gauderma sp. It discusses the climate, soil, and May 24, 2021 · 4. By nature banana is a heavy consumer of nutrients for its optimal growth and production, consuming 20-30 per cent of the cost involved in production. txt) or view presentation slides online. The major banana producing states of India are Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Madhya Pradesh. Most serious diseases of banana. Jul 8, 2017 · Email: npcs. Figure 1: Relative contents of plant nutrients in banana leaves 3% Figure 2: Relative contents of plant nutrients in banana fruits Ca P N 37% P 3% K 44% Ca 9% Mg 4% S N 28% 4% K 57% 1% Mg 5% S 5% However, production, as well as exports and imports of bananas, are highly concentrated in a few countries. jrbr sezx cvlm yzn cuzg dnsl fwbb kvv bfqq lizfe